Morrison's Fable
WE3 is not your regular Aesop's Fable.
Here's an interview of Grant Morrison on his new comic book.

In WE3#1, we learn that this tale is about 3 cybernetic animals who were trained to assassinate and kill targets. When they are about to be decomissioned, things turn differently for these 3 animals.
Morrison's ideas are just tremendous. I bought this book not knowing anything about it, and Grant just serves a story totally different from his previous ones. A timely story on weapons of mass destruction and animal testing reflects current issues operating in the shadows. Also, Grant mentions his Western Manga approach in the interview.
Quitely is totally brilliant. He may be a slow-paced in handing out his works but he just leaves you breathless with his panels. Most especially his 18 panel page that seems to be sequences of camera monitors inside the research facility.

The next issue will be bloody.
I always get misty eyed whenever I read a Morrison interview, even if he is talking about animals blowing up people. I don't know why, I guess I just unconsciously recognize his supreme mastery of the higher imagination spheres.
- commonasdirt
Grant is a god. 'Nuff Said.
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